Sunday, 6 May 2012

A house isn't a home.

                                                              Where the Heart is: Theme(s)
                     In the the novel Where the Heart is has several themes. The theme I believe that represents the novel well is that a house isn't a home.
                  The definition of house according to Websters Dictionary is  a building in which people live; residence for human beings while the definition for home according to Websters Dictionary is the dwelling place or retreat of an animal. When Novalee was living in Wal-mart she was living in what would be best described as a house. Wal-mart was a house for Novalee because she had no reason to look forward to going there because there would be no one there to greet her and welcome her. Wal-mart was her house due to the fact that she just slept and ate there. Novalee finds a home when she gives birth to Americus and goes to live with Sister Husband. She found because she had a place where she could retreat from the hardships of the world with her daughter and friends.  
                Another theme that occurred to me that represents the novel is: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Throughout the novel Novalee and her friends are faced with terrible obstacles that could change their lives forever. For example the main character Novalee is abandoned at Wal-Mart and left to fend on her with very little money, no place to stay and with child. Instead of losing hope and giving up Novalee finds shelter at Wal-mart, gives birth to her baby, finds a job and becomes a photographer. Another example of this theme was when Novalee friends Lexie is left critical condition after being brutally beat up by a man she was currently dating who molested her children. Lexie is left in both a terrible emotional and physical state. She is partly paralyzed and she blames herself for what happened to her kids and she feels her children blame her also. Lexie defies the odds and regains her strength, and finally regains confidence in men and finds a man who accepts her for who she is and her children. 

              The last theme that I thought of that represent the story isn't a very strong theme. The theme is The ones who you trust the most can hurt you. Novalee first realizes that when she Willy Jack abandoned her at Wal-mart. Novalee didn't expect that to happen due to the fact that she was carrying his baby. Another example to prove this theme was when Novalee got paid a visit from her mother at the hospital. Novalee Nation was receiving many donations from generous people and in total she around 6000 dollars. Novalee mother comes to visit her promising to hold on to the money for her, but she leaves Novalee penniless and her or the money isn't mentioned again in the novel.



  1. I completely agree with your choice of themes. Another example of the theme "The ones who you trust most can hurt you" would be when Momma Nell (Novalee's mom) abandons her at the age of seven.

  2. I like how thoes themes seem specific but are still general. They really do relate to the book and your examples are good as well.
