Friday, 25 May 2012

What did they think?

                                                        Character Discussion Questions


1. Willy Jack seems like a selfish self centered young man who seems to treat Novalee harshly. Do you think he possessed the same character traits before he and Novalee dated ? Why?   
K-He might have liked her before but then she got pregnant
A- Yes I do think he possessed the same character traits before. If he had parents who were aggressive and didn’t show emotions well, (like love) then he would have grown up and took on the same traits.

2. In the beginning of the novel, Novalee is a poor uneducated teenage mother. Novalee, however seems to be remarkably maternal and responsible in her parental role. Is it possible that lacking a loving mother herself would be such a good mother?
K-Since Novalee was abandoned in her childhood, she doesn't want Americus to have the same experience as her.
A- I feel it is possible. When you don’t have something when you grow up, like a mother, you either end up not being a good one yourself or become a very good one. Which is what Novalee became, a very good mother.

3. How does Willy Jacks Pickins/Billy Shadow function as a character within the novel?
K- In the inside there both the same. He still treats women like trash. Although, Billy Shadow strives for success in the music business as opposed to Willy Jack who is willing to get his finger cut off just for money. 
A-Not sure what to say...

4. After Novalee was abandoned by her mother at the age of six who only reappears when Novalee is famous, why does Novalee trust her with the money? 
K- Novalee is gullible and she is overwhelmed when she sees her mother that she trust and believes everything
A-She trusts her because she’s her mother. The fact that her mom came back and seeing her might have made Novalee think that her mom really does care about her and as a result she trusts her to show that she is grateful.

5. How would you describe the impacts that Forney, Sister Husband and Lexie play on Americus's character? 
K- Forney gives her intelligence, by reading to her at night, plays the role as a father. Sister Husband plays the role as her grandmother and Lexie plays the role as her Aunt, she plays with Lexie kids.
A- I would describe the impacts that Forney, Sister Husband and Lexie play on Americus’ character are good. They play family roles that Americus wouldn’t have if not for them. As a child it is good for her to have people who love you and to know that someone is there for you, who you can depend on and go to for help. Which is what those 3 do.

6. Not only do adults play an important role in this novel so do the children. How to the children character traits help frame the book? 
K-Benny Goodluck gave her a tree
A-The whole reason Novalee does everything she does is for Americus. To provide a great life for her. The innocence of Americus makes all the people around her feel the need to care and protect her. 

7. After that unfortunate violent incident that occurred to Brownie do you think Brownie will be able to place his trusts in adults again?
K-Brownie will eventually forgive Lexie. As he grows up he'll understand what happened and that it wasn't his mothers fault, although I don't think he'll trust adults easily.
A- With help and maybe even therapy I think that Brownie can be able to place his trust in adults again.

8. If the story was told from Willy Jacks point of view do you think Novalee would have been portrayed differently? Why or why not? 
K- Novalee might have not been even mentioned in the book because he's so self centered 
A-If the story was told from Willy Jacks point of view I do think that Novalee would have been portrayed differently. He sees her as a girl that he just has to provide for, useless baggage. He obviously didn’t care for her that much if he was able to leave her and his unborn child at Wal-Mart.

9. After what happened between Novalee and Willy Jack do you think that Novalee will want Americus knowing who her father is?
K- As she grows up, her curiosity will grow. She'll want to know who her father is and she'll want know who her father is and she'll keep bugging Novalee about it. She might not trust him easily since, abandoned her mother at Wal-mart. 
A-I think that eventually when Americus is older she will tell her who her real father is. She may not tell her much about him and what he did to them, but she will at least want her to know who he is. She has a right to know

10. Which characters do toy think possessed the strong character traits and stayed true to themselves and those around them? Why?
K- Willy Jack became more sensitive after he lost his legs,his sympathy for Novalee and Americus grew. 
A- I think Novalee and Forney did. Throughout the story Novalee still had the same objective, create a better life, and didn’t compromise it for no one. Forney did not try to change who he was to get Novalee to like him. He stayed true to himself and who he is.



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